Eliya Weather Today
Click the Image below to access the latest Weather report for Nuwara Eliya Click the Back Button of the Browser to comeback to this page after visiting yr.no
How to obtain Weather Data from yr.no Meteogram is described using an example meteogram below.
Time, Weather Symbol corresponding to the weather condition at the Time, Temperature, Precipitation or the Rainfall for 3 hour periods, Wind condition, direction and speed, Atmospheric Pressure, Humidity, Dew Point, Fog, Total Cloud Cover of the Sky and Cloud Cover of Low, Middle and High Clouds also are given in a Table as shown in the following example table.
Nuwara Eliya Climate PhotographsNuwara Eliya
Nuwara Eliya
Nuwara Eliya
Nuwara Eliya
Nuwara Eliya
Nuwara Eliya
Nuwara Eliya
About yr.no
Meteorological Institute
and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corp. yr.no, which is the largest Weather
forecaster in Norway. What is yr? The meteorological
definition: Yr is a steady and easy form of precipitation. Drop size of
the yrdropar is less than regndropar, usually about 0.5 mm in diameter
or less. Yr usually cast from stratiform (layered) clouds, but can in
some cases falling from low cumulus clouds. Here in this country arises
yr usually in connection with warmfrontar, and then often in the warm
sector between a warm front and a cold front. NRK Meteorological Institute Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation have collaborated for more than 70 years to provide forecasts. In 2007 expanded institutions collaborated to also apply to the internet, when yr.no was officially launched on 19 september. yr.no soon became a popular network service and is now the largest vêrtenesta online in Norway. The pages are further developed continuously, with new services and more data. Please write to us if you have feedback or wishes on other services! The story of yr.no every year . yr.no is made jointly by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK. Meteorological Institute is responsible for the data and the subject content, NRK for presentation, design, editorial content and the delivery of notifications to users. Meteorological responsible:
Anton Eliassen, director of the Institute Metorologisk. What can you find on yr.no? On yr.no you notice for more than 9 million places in the whole world. The Norwegian place names follow the official spelling from the Norwegian Mapping Authority. In addition, we provide news and facts surrounding the weather to do. Weather forecasting on yr.no is based on data from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and from the international collaborators to the Department (ECMWF, EUMETSAT etc.). Much of the forecasts are directed towards the general public while others will be so specialized that they can only be of interest to academics. yr.no is financed by taxes and license fees, and should therefore be "something for everyone". [Translated script]
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