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Ferns can be grown in pots and containers with the required conditions of soil, moisture and temperature are afforded. With the observation of the natural habitat of the ferns, ideas can be formed how to prepare our surrounding to suit the propogation of the ferns.It can be noticed that they grow well in humous,fibrous soil on limestone rock on shady banks of water courses naturally. Thus creating the conditions of shade, moisturised atmosphere , good drainage at the root and shelter from strong wind will create a favourable condition for ferns to grow well.

Beautiful Home Gardens


Plant Varieties

There are two classes that Orchids can be divided into. They are Ground orchids (terrestrial)and Orchids naturally grows on trees(epiphytes)but that do not derive nourishment from the trees they grow on (not parasitic).Tropical Orchids or those found in Sri Lanka are mostly of epiphytes. It is important to note that those belonging to dry region often fail to thrive properly whrn removed to wet climatic condition.This hold true vice versa. Most orchids grow proper when fully exposed to the sunlight provided that sufficient moisture is available for their roots. Others somehow thrive best under light shade to grow and flower best. Therefore Pot planting is the best for home gardening of Orchids.

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