Travel log and the Fact Sheet of the LN85R PRMRS Hilux PickUp
120,000 kM on July 2002
or 75,000 Miles on July 2002
Present owner acquired the PickUp in July 2002
Durability TestToyotaHilux
You will never see a HILUX perform this good!
This legend had to die after this performance
A Tribute to the Hilux that had to be destroyed to prove its STRENGTH
SRILANKAVIEW'S Choice for the Feature Video
Photographs of Toyota Hilux LN85 - Original Paint and sticker -2002

Photographs of Toyota Hilux LN85 Engine 2L - 2446 cc with over 482,000 Miles
Toyota Hilux LN85 Engine 2L - 2446 cc- Side view showing added AC Compressor

Toyota Hilux LN85 Engine 2L - 2446 cc- Side view showing Fuel Injector Pump

Toyota Hilux LN85 Engine 2L - 2446 cc- Front view showing Radiator Head, T Belt Cover, Brake Vaccume Unit, Diesel Filter

Toyota Hilux LN85 Engine 2L - 2446 cc- Front view showing Radiator Head, T Belt Cover, Brake Pump and Air Filter

Toyota Hilux LN85 Engine 2L - 2446 cc- Sidet view showing Injector Pump and Nozzles

Hilux Pickup with 760,000+ kM, Photographed on 14th August 2020 opposit Lake at Horowpathana,Sri Lanka

Toyota Hilux LN85 Pickup Odometer Reading at 760,923 kM on 16th August 2020

Hilux Pickup Odometer Reading 778011 kM ( passpng 777,000 kM )

Hilux Pickup Odometer reading 778011 kM and dash board view ( passpng 777,000 kM )

Links to Toyota Hilux LN85 Model resources
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